Bad Eating Habits Shave Years Off Your Life

January 10, 2016 monica

If you eat too much of unhealthy food you will usually not be surprised if you gain some weight. And if your doctor tells you your cholesterol is too high, or that your high blood-sugar count may lead to diabetes you usually know (deep down) the reason why. You will probably also agree that some small changes in your eating-habits might be necessary. But cholesterol and diabetes are just a couple of the most common health issues caused by bad food-habits.

Below you'll find 6 big food-habits you easily can identify. You will also find a link to more information about what/how to change to live a longer and healthier life.


Ice Cream

1. Weakness for convenience food promotes inflammations in your body through trans fats.
2. Too much sugar slows down your body's repair mechanism and create oxidative stress in your body.
3. Irregular eating-habits make your blood-sugar go wild. Blood-sugar spikes are bad for your body's insulin levels.
4. Eating too much refined carbs is bad for your health.
5. Eating when you are stressed. Stress-hormones are bad for your digestion.
6. Too much grilled, roasted and fried food.


Continue reading here for all the details on these 6 bad food habits that make you age far too fast. Here you'll also find information on why and how you can start making some better, healthier food-choices.