
 Here is a list of great products that I have personally tried out.

The list is long, so I have divided it into sections to make it easier.
Have a look around on this page, you might find something that you like or maybe could need in your daily life. 

Healthy  Mind

There are many things that constitute a healthy mind. Here are a couple of the processes I personally have tried out with great benefit.


Resources - A Healthy Mind

Healthy Body

The importance of taking care of your body. You don't go anywhere without your body. It's your home, your shell and a big part of your world, so why not care for it in the best way possible?

Resources - A Healthy Body

Healthy Relationships

When thinking of healthy relationships we only think of the relationships we have with people that surround us. We often don't take into consideration is the importance of a healthy relationship with ourselves, but that is where it all starts...

Healthy Relationship with Yourself
Healthy Relationship with Others

Coming up:
Healthy Relationship with Your Children
Healthy Relationship with Your Teenage-Kids
Healthy Relationship with Your Partner
Healthy Relationship with Your Parents

Resources - Healthy Relationships

Healthy Kids

We can help our children in many ways to a healthy life. With "healthy life" I don't mean healthy food, that is too obvious. Everyone knows the importance of healthy eating. We need to help our children to become confident adults that are ready to live a fulfilling life on all levels.

Resources - Healthy Kids

Healthy Finances

The financial part of your daily life often has hidden problems that stem from your early childhood. This is something that most people never think about, because it is so ingrained in your whole being that you don't even notice it anymore. In order to improve your financial situation you might have to heal some old wounds around yourself, your family and your worth when it comes to money.


Remove Your Unconscious Money Boundaries

Coming up:
Reduce Debt
Healthy Debt Management

Resources - Healthy Finances

Healthy Trading

You may be surprised to find "Healthy Trading" among the topics in this list. I have decided to include it because I believe that with the right tools it is possible to make money as a trader.  But don't forget to change your paradigms around money first, by healing your childhood wounds about your right to have it all. Without the right foundation your will never get there. So first of all, you need to get rid of all your childhood wounds around money.

Resources - Healthy Trading

To tell the truth; I tried to become a successful trader myself for several years ...without luck, I must admit. Not because I didn't know how. I had found all the right tools, and theoretically it should have worked. It was my personal mindset around money that was wrong and that prevented me from succeeding in trading the stock-market. I knew all the trading-rules, the discipline, reading and understanding the charts, the candlesticks, and I have helped several people succeed in their trading. But, trading just didn't work for me, because of my personal mindset around money.

I am still working on my childhood wounds and my personal mindset when it comes to wealth and accumulating fortune, and I know, deep in my heart, that I will succeed when the time is right. But, right now I have decided to focus upon something more important; putting together this web-page so that anyone that needs help know where to get the best information in the various areas of life.

Above you'll find some of the basic skills needed for a successful trader, promoted for free by some of the very few people that really wants to help, without asking money and without promising piles of money by tomorrow.

If you master the techniques listed here, and you have the right personal mindset towards accumulating wealth and fortune, there is no reason you will not succeed. Just keep in mind: Your personal mindset is the very key to your success.


Create Yourself A Great Life - The Healthy Way!

