The Paleolithic Diet Explained

Is Your Diet Healthy?

There are many types of diet to choose from, but have you chosen a diet that is good for your body?

Why not consider the Paleolithic Diet?

We live a frenetic and stressed life in today’s society. Our eating habits are often based on fast solutions that leave us tired and prone to health issues. Our body, though, is not much different than it was were thousands of years ago.

All animals live a healthy life based on the nutrition their body was made to survive on. The Lions have eaten meat since the day of dawn. Cows have been chewing on grass since the beginning of time. Nothing has changed for them.

Humans, on the other hand, have completely changed their diet. Our modern diet is full of refined foods, trans fats and sugar. This is the reason we are prone to diseases like cancer, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, not to mention obesity, depression and even infertility.

Just as for animals, our body is made to eat in a certain way, but we fill our body with whatever suits us. We don't think for a second on whether the food we are eating is good for us or not. All we care about is that the food must be tasteful and give us momentarily pleasure while chewing on it.


The fundamental characteristics of Paleolithic Diet

Higher protein intake

    o Helps build and preserve muscle mass

    o Repairs and strengthens muscle tissue

    o This tames your hunger, which can even help you lose weight

Lower carb & GI intake

    o Reduces risk of heart diseases and diabetes

    o A steadier stream of energy. Avoiding spikes and dramatic falls in blood-glucose.

    o High intake of Carbs and GI are damaging our arteries and various blood vessels

Higher Fiber intake

    o Helps prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes

    o Lowers risk of diabetes and heart diseases

    o Keeps your energy level steady

    o Prevents and relieves constipation

Balanced fat intake

    o Too much saturated fat can raise our cholesterol which increases the risk of heart disease

    o Choose only unsaturated fat

    o Good fat helps the body absorb certain nutritions

    o Good fats contain some vitamins like Vitamin A and D.

    o Good fats provide essentially fatty acids that the body cannot produce by itself

Higher potassium and lower sodium intake

    o Keeps your blood pressure stabile

    o Avoids hypertension and cardiovascular diseases

Net dietary alkaline load that balances dietary acid

    o Improves your bone health

    o Helps avoid arthritis and cancer

Higher vitamins, minerals, antioxidants intake

    o For a longer and more healthy life

The Paleolithic diet is referred to the diet of our caveman-ancestors. Many believe that the Paleolithic diet is only based on meat and fat. This is not true. In a well-prepared Paleolithic diet you have a huge variety of food to choose from.



In the Paleolithic Diet you eat:

Meat (pork, beef, chicken)



Shell-fish & seafood

Fresh fruit & vegetables

Healthy olis (coconut oil, clarified butter and olive-oil)

Nuts (walnuts, machademia, almonds)


In the Paleolithic Diet you stay away from:

Grains (wheat, corn, oat)

vegetable oils



overly salty foods


legumes (soy, peanuts, lentils)

dairy products

processed foods (including candy & junk)

The Paleolithic Diet helps you stay more energized during the day and you sleep better at night. Your digestive system is well prepared to process the foods you eat. Through the Paleolithic Diet you work with your body, not against it. Therefore you will feel better, fitter and a lot less stressed.

Off course, you will need to add some exercise to your daily life as well. This will help your body stay fit and strong, while the body processes the foods your body was meant to eat.

A perfect match for a long life!

Eat - The Healthy Way!

