Welcome To My World

November 23, 2015 monica

Welcome to my world

If you are new to this website, it is my pleasure to say "Welcome to my world!". My name is Monica and am the founder of Wonderations and I run the www.livethehealthyway.com website. 


I have always had a hard time to believe in my affirmations.

I used to do them diligently every day, but nothing changed. There was something that wasn't right but I just couldn't figure out what. When I was doing my affirmations I always felt funny, not real, as if I was lying to myself. I finally discovered what was wrong; My mind doesn't like to be told what to do. My mind doesn't like to be lied to. I needed a different way to convince myself. 

Through a lot of trial and error I finally discovered Wonderations. I have been using it for some years now. After using my own Wonderations for some time I found scientific evidence that Wonderations really works - They can be even 400% more powerful than any affirmation!


Click here for more information about how to create your own Wonderations, and if you want more information about the scientific study I just mentioned, you can click here


