You Are Unique …More Unique Than You Realize! Your way of walking tells more about you than you would ever think.Yes, your walk is just as unique to you, as is your fingerprint and your voice.But there is more. Your ears are unique, your eyes are unique and so is your DNA, your tongue, your smile.These…
Author: monica
If you eat too much of unhealthy food you will usually not be surprised if you gain some weight. And if your doctor tells you your cholesterol is too high, or that your high blood-sugar count may lead to diabetes you usually know (deep down) the reason why. You will probably also agree that some…

High blood pressure, stomach problems, anxiety and depression are the health issues that you might encounter if you drink too much. But how much is too much alcohol for women? Experts say that the limit goes at 9 glasses of 1,5 dl (5 fl .oz) per week.Do you drink alcohol? And can you quantify how much…

Did you read through my personal examples in the Wonderations eBook?I wrote about how I manifested money …millions $$ (yes, millions!), but in a completely different way than I would ever have wanted. I also wrote about manifesting a 50 foot tall tree falling to the ground, and about people just calling me to beg me…

If you want to remember more, talk about something in front of a public, or do an exam try this little trick: Clench your right hand for 90 seconds while you are learning something. When you have to recall what you remembered clench your left hand for the same amount of time.Do you want to…

It’s hard to fit in meditation to my daily schedule.Even though a lot of people have advised me to practice meditation regularly. I often find it hard to take the time to sit down and “do nothing”, because that is what we believe meditation to be: Sitting down – doing nothing.But this is actually NOT the case. Even…

Have you done the exercises in the Wonderations eBook/Workbook? If you still haven’t read the Wonderations eBook/Workbook, you can get it here.I am sure that by implementing the steps outlined in the eBook you will find yourself in a different spot from where you are now within the next 6 months.You can leave a message…

If you are new to this website, it is my pleasure to say “Welcome to my world!”. My name is Monica and am the founder of Wonderations and I run the website. I have always had a hard time to believe in my affirmations.I used to do them diligently every day, but nothing changed. There…

Have you ever heard that your brain loves catnaps?Catnap and MemoryAccording to research your brain will remember information better if you take the time for a short catnap now and then.Just 6 minutes is enough to sharpen your brain. It will not only make you feel better but will also improve your ability to learn…

There are several ways to cure migraine with lemon.If you suffer from migraine and have tried everything there is on the market, you might be ready for this little trick:1. Squeeze the juice out of 2 lemons. Add some of the zest and then add 2 tsp. of Himalayan Salt to the mix.2. Stir well….