Do You Meditate?

November 24, 2015 monica


It's hard to fit in meditation to my daily schedule.

Even though a lot of people have advised me to practice meditation regularly. I often find it hard to take the time to sit down and "do nothing", because that is what we believe meditation to be: Sitting down - doing nothing.

But this is actually NOT the case. Even though you are sitting there, “doing nothing”, a lot of things are going on in your body! Studies have shown that meditation reduces stress and will therefore give you a longer and better life. You even become more alert and sensitive to the world around you through meditation.

Researchers have even found that daily meditation can slow down the
aging process on our cellular level.

The part of your brain associated with learning and memory is also developed by practicing daily meditation.

So, why not give meditation a try? There are a lot of different ways of practicing meditation. Look around and try to find a type of meditation that suits you and your way of living.

Remember, you can meditate in a lot of different ways and situations. It doesn't have to be a loooong zen-like meditation in a lotus pose.

Find how YOU can add some peace and quietness into your life. Learn to take a short break from our stressful life.

For more information on the benefits of meditation, click here 🙂

