Lose Weight Without Dieting

Did you know that you can lose weight without dieting and that there is more to weight loss than counting calories?

A natural way to weight loss is finally here!

Over 90% of all diets fail.

Why is it so hard to lose weight and even harder to keep the weight off afterwards?

Why do we snack and feel guilty afterwards?

Why do we overeat?

Why is it so hard to find time and energy to exercise?

Belly Fat - Flickr

What if you could lose weight without dieting?

Lose weight without dieting

We all know about the importance of calories when it comes to gaining and losing weight, but counting calories and exercising to burn off those calories again is only one part of the whole weight loss enigma. You have probably tried a diet or two in your life, only to see that it is more of a struggle than pleasure, and usually when the diet is over, the weight eases slowly back to where it was. Why is that?

It all boils down to one thing; You need to collaborate with yourself, You need to collaborate with your subconscious mind, and not try to fight this crucial part of yourself by using willpower. Our mind consists of two parts; a logical, conscious mind and a subconscious mind. By using willpower we do things the hard way, forcing the logical mind to do what we want; lose weight by counting calories in and calories out. If, on the other hand, you collaborate with your subconscious mind you are not forcing things through willpower.

The importance of your subconscious mind

We often underestimate the importance of our mind, and especially the importance of our subconscious mind. You can actually lose weight without dieting, just by getting your subconscious mind to work for you.

All human behavior are emotional driven and that’s why we all struggle to lose weight by following our logical mind, counting calories. The solution is to work together with the subconscious and the emotional level of your mind. That way you will lose weight with ease. When you start a diet you are all fired up, but as soon as you hit an obstacle staying on track gets harder and harder.

Most weight loss programs are driven by logic. They are only about how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn. They don’t take the whole body into consideration. When you deprive yourself of food that you prefer, your subconscious mind will look upon this as a punishment. This causes an emotional stress that is counterproductive to your efforts to lose weight. You need to cooperate with your subconscious mind when you want to make changes to your body.

Zero Resistance Weightloss - Dr. Robert Anthony

Get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious logical mind.

When you learn what triggers the subconscious and emotional mind when it comes to your weight survival programming you will never struggle with weight loss again. Your subconscious mind knows exactly how to get you to your ideal weight, by speeding up your metabolism. No dieting is not involved. Your subconscious mind will adjust your way of eating automatically to a more healthy way and motivate your to move more with ease and fun. This way you will lose weight without dieting.
In order to lose your excess weight permanently you need to work together with your mind. Here is the ultimate way to finally rid yourself of your excess weight for now and forever.

Learn how to lose weight without dieting; Learn how to release your excess weight, not through diets or pills, but through your subconscious mind and your emotional levels.

When you learn how, you never have to think about another diet, ever again.

Click here to learn more.

Lose weight the healthy way!
