Does a smoker ever want to quit smoking?

Every smoker knows deep down that smoking is a bad for them. Do not think for a second that they are not aware of it. The whole society lets them know in all possible ways that smoking is bad. Smokers are not allowed to smoke in restaurants, in offices, in airports or any other public places. Most smokers are not even allowed to smoke in their own home. They all know it's bad for their health, their wallet, bad for their family and that they are a bad role-model for any child around them.

Quit Smoking

Any smoker would prefer that their children would never smoke.

But smokers are not really thinking of the fact that they may die... Smokers are not especially worried of lung cancer or of any other terrible disease they might encounter, like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). If they were, they would stop smoking right now. It's therefore no use in long devastating lists of good reasons a smoker should quit smoking. Any smoker already knows these lists by heart.

So why don't smokers quit smoking ....if it is so bad for them?

What keeps a smokers relegated in their nicotine prison is FEAR. Fear of the pressure they might feel should they not have a cigarette to rely on in situations where they feel that a cigarette is needed; in friendly conversation with friends, in a situation of stress, in a moment of boredom, while drinking a cup of coffee…. Smokers fear that they will not be able to enjoy life without their cigarette and that they will not be able to face difficult situations in life without a cigarette.

Is there a way out of this Nicotine Prison?

Smokers must decide by themselves that it is time to stop. No one else can decide for them. But what does it take for a smoker to decide that enough is enough? Even seeing pictures of black lungs or reading devastating articles about terrible deaths due to a life of smoking does not scare a smoker to quit smoking.

The only way to escape the nicotine prison by a deep understanding of how you as a smoker have been trapped.

A previous 100-cigarettes-a-day chain-smoker, Allen Carr, has written the best-selling book “Easy Way To Stop Smoking “. This easy-to-read book is guaranteed to make any smoker understand how to finally get out of this addiction. Allen Carr’s method has helped over 10 million smokers to quit smoking. Read it today!

Quit Smoking

Do not attempt quitting before you have completely read the whole book and understood the whole concept.

Quit Smoking

Quit smoking - The Healthy Way!

