Remove Your Unconscious Money-Boundaries

You CAN Become Wealthy! ...If You Allow Yourself

We all have dreams of what we want to achieve in life. We work very hard to achieve our goals, without ever reaching them. We try and try and try again, only to fail each time.

What we often don't realize is that most of us have an inner limit of what we allow ourselves to achieve. This inner limit is so hidden in our daily life that we don't even know about it. We need to shatter the glass ceiling that is holding us back.


My True Story

For several years I tried diligently to become a day-trader and I loved what I was doing. I was enjoying every moment of it and I had big dreams about the future. I started off with just about $4000 on my account. I managed to grow my account to about $20’000.

I thought I had finally made it! I thought I had found my new life as a day-trader. I was contemplating quitting my job at the post office. I had learnt all the rules and I followed them, but even so I never got rich by trading.

When I reached the $20’000 I started making mistakes, stupid mistakes. I ended up far below my initially $4000 within just a couple of weeks. A bit disillusioned I started over. I traded diligently and I managed to build my trading account up to $20’000 again. Just as the last time I started making mistakes again and once more I lost it all. I was back where I started.

This happened again and again. Every time I reached the $20’000, it was as if there was something that prevented me from going any further.

It took a while before I realized that there was no way that I would ever be able to go beyond my barrier of $20’000 on my own. I understood that there was something in me that blocked me from further success.

I needed to shatter the glass ceiling that was holding me back.

I had already learnt all I could about charts, candlesticks, trading-styles, indicators, entries, exits, stops and limits, but it wasn't enough. I needed to work on my own beliefs to shatter the glass ceiling that was holding me back.

I tried all kinds of self-help programs to remove my wealth-blocks. Nothing ever really worked, until I found Margaret Lynch and her program: 7 Levels of Wealth.

shatter your glass ceiling
Learn how to shatter your glass ceiling to wealth with Margaret Lynch. More information here.

Our wealth programming is set early in our childhood or in our years of adolescence, through experiences we most probably don’t even remember any longer. Through the program 7 Levels of Wealth I managed to remember several incidents in my childhood that had led me to my current beliefs of wealth and abundance.

Margaret Lynch is a Wealth Coach, Speaker and bestselling author. She has a brilliant and easy-to-understand way to undo the programming through EFT tapping on all the blocks we have stored in our body, especially when it comes to wealth and abundance. With the help of Margaret Lynch you can finally shatter the glass ceiling that is holding you back from greater wealth and abundance in life.


Learn how to remove your early childhood programming about what you are allowed to do, be and have.

Become the person you really desire to be. Remove the real reasons to your struggle. Remove the blocks in your mind and in your body, this is the only true way to wealth and abundance. You will never get there unless you take this important step.

Shatter The Glass Ceiling – The Healthy Way!
