Heartfelt Gratitude

Do you know how to access that deep heartfelt gratitude?

Have you ever wanted something really badly, but it never seems to show up in your life?

Maybe you desire more money, a better car, a new house, a new job. you just feel stuck where you are now.
When you feel an overwhelming need, desire or want you are actually vibrating a lack. You are telling the universe; "I do NOT have what I want". This only pushes what you desire further away from you, rather than pulling it closer to you.

Try This New Approach...

Try to focus on how far you have gotten in the last 5, 10, 15 years. Be thankful for what you have. Think of all the things you have achieved through the years. Don't focus on where you would want to be, rather feel the grateful for what you actually have achieved up until now.

1. Now, focus on the feeling of gratitude,
2. Then think of what you want as a sure thing that for certain will come to you in the future and be grateful for that too.

3. Leave your thought behind and continue your day with a smile on your face, confident of what the future will bring you.

4. It's important to not put any time-frame around what you would like to happen. Leave it up to the universe. It will arrive, in due time. Just let it go, smile and be confident.

Try it out - It works!

Live life the greatful way!