My mission is to help you achieve your goals in life ...effortlessly.

Hi. I'm Monica Riva. You deserve a great life, and I am here to show you how to achieve that.

I will start by teaching you how you can easily achieve anything in life, with just a small tweak in your thinking. Yes, that is all that is needed; One simple mind-tweak, and you can have anything!

Manifesting is easy, when you know how. Start your new life today!".

I live in close to the Alps in the sunny, southern part of Switzerland.

FotoHi. I'm Monica Riva. I run and own the website Live The Healthy Way.
Have you ever asked yourself:
  • What can I do to improve my life?
  • Why do I have to struggle so hard to get what I want?
  • How to get ahead financially?
  • Is THIS what life is all about?
  • Why am I not able to lose weight, exercise, say no.....?
  • Why am I not able to excel in life?
or if you just want a better life for you, your family and your friends....
You're in the RIGHT place!
Here's the deal:
I believe we all deserve a long life, a good life which means a healthy life - mind, body and spirit, and even wallet. In order to get there you will benefit greatly from small healthy tips and tricks that will help you prosper and enjoy a healthy, successful and long life?
I know we all try to do our best, but it's hard to get any further while working full time... raising a family and going about your daily chores. Your job, your family and friends take up most of your day.
Instead of reading about new foundings that probably will be different again tomorrow, about the latest fad and wasting time on strategies by so-called "experts"...
... subscribe to Live The Healthy Way (it's free) and you'll get proven tactics, tricks and tips that will help you improve in ALL areas of your life; your health, your wealth, your relationships, your mind, body and spirit.


Live The Healthy Way is a thriving (and fast growing) community of people who are searching for more success, more health, more wealth and MORE.


When you subscribe to our newsletter you will get access to our news, updates and special give-aways that will help you bring your life to a whole new level.


We have divided this website into six different areas:


Here is what the different areas are all about


Healthy Body is where you'll find all you need for a healthy body. Weightloss, Special diets, Aging, Body shape, Special diets for women and more.
Healthy Mind. Here you will find different ways of healing your mind from scars you may not even remember you are carrying around. Look around and find the method that best suits you and your life.
Healthy Relationships. Within this area of the website you will find tips and tricks on how to improve your relationships with friends, family and even at your workplace.
Healthy Kids. We all want the best for our kids. We want them to grow strong, confident and have a great life. Here you will find many different ways to help your kids to a healthy and successful life as adults.
Healthy Finances. Your finances are often a crucial part of a successful life. If your finances suffer, you suffer. Our take on finances are rooted in your childhood. In this area of the website you will find ways to change your money-paradigm. Shatter your glass ceiling and improve your finances. That way you will have the possibility to focus more on all the others great aspects of your life.
Healthy Trading. Trading can be hard. It's a psychological game that actually can crush on anyone. That's why less than 5% of all traders are successful. Here you will find several resources that if put together will help you become a stronger trader, with more confidence and discipline and success.
Resources. Within the this area you will find different resources that will help you find YOUR path to a healthier life.

What is the best way of getting all this crucial information for a greater life? So, sign up to the email list below!


About Monica Riva

My name is Monica Riva. I have reached the age of 48 years and have been searching for the right answers for the best part of my life.
I actually started off trying to make it as a trader, I persisted for many years without success. I finally understood that I had severe mind-blocks that prevented me from making it in the stock-market. This lead me to delve into my past and into my subconscious mind to find and remove the different blocks I had created within myself over the years.
In my search for the right answers to "What does it take to make my life work!" I have tried out many different self-help programs over the years, in all areas of my life. Here at I have included all the programs that I know work.... from my personal experience.
Why Live The Healthy Way?
All the different pages on my are only from programs that I can strongly recommend. I have tried them all and I know they all work. I never did get rich from the stock-market. Not because I'm was capable to find and enter good trades, but because of my previous mindset. For the moment I have decided that there are more important things in life than sitting in front of the screen waiting for the right entry and exit point. I am now spending my time creating this internet site so that others can profit from my experiences too. Saying that, when I finally will have this site up and running, I might find the time to go back to my day-trading using Stephen Bigalow's trading-system with the T-line and his easy-to-spot entry and exit points.
So, for the moment I still work at the post-office here in southern Switzerland. I have 2 daughters and a wonderful partner and I spend most of my free time searching for a better life for my family and for myself.



Having goals to work towards is the most important thing in life. If we don't have any goals, we will not get anywhere. Without goals we just drift through life.
  • That is why most of us never get financially independent. We work our whole life, but by the time we are retiring we are still not financially free to live the life we always dreamt of.
  • That is why most of us find it hard to lose weight, stop smoking, be more productive, more successful.
  • With the right approach you can learn to reach any goal in life. You just need to learn how and why. That you will learn through our newsletters So sign up now!






I have found that the most important factor in getting my life to work, is getting to grips with all my different habits. Our life is full of tiny habits that we don't even think about anymore. Through the different programs I have gone through I am now creating new thinking habits, new habits that include some meditation, tapping to eliminate negative emotions rooted in the past and Releasing. I have also learnt to create better eating habits and exercise habits. I believe I now have a more healthy approach to life in all the different areas of life, in mind, body and spirit.


Take charge of your life!


Take advantage of the knowledge that I have collected. Take charge of your life and finally become the YOU that you were meant to be, Be The Master Of Your Destiny, just as I have done. I am now the master of my destiny! Start today by signing up to our newsletter here below!

By joining my free newsletter you will receive interesting tips and tricks on how to live a healthier life, in mind, body and spirit on a regular basis. This will spur you to take charge of your life too. Start today; Be The Master of Your Destiny!
So, join our free community today and start living The Healthy Way!